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Some of Nancy's favorite poems:

Life is like a journey, taken on a train

With a pair of travelers at each windowpane.

I may sit beside you all the journey through,

Or I may sit elsewhere, never knowing you.

But if fate should mark me to sit by your side,

Let's be pleasant travellers; it's so short a ride.

Get A Transfer

If you are on the Gloomy Line,
Get a transfer.
If you're inclined to fret and pine,
Get a transfer.
Get off the track of doubt and gloom,
Get on the Sunshine Track -there's room-
Get a transfer.

If you're on the Worry Train,
Get a transfer.
You must not stay there and complain,
Get a transfer.
The Cheerful Cars are passing through,
And there's lots of room for you-
Get a transfer.

If you're on the Grouchy Track,
Get a transfer.
Just take a Happy Special back,
Get a transfer.
Jump on the train and pull the rope,
That lands you at the station of Hope-
Get a transfer.

Author Unknown

To plant a tree! How small the twig,
And I beside it very big.

A few years pass and now the tree
Looks down on very little me.

A few years more it is so high
Its branches seem to touch the sky.

I did not know that it would be
So vast a thing to plant a tree!

If you can't be a pine on the top of the hill,
Be a shrub in the valley---but be
The best little shrub at the side of the hill;
Be a bush if you can't be a tree.

We can't all be captains,
We've got to be crew.
There's something for all of us here;
There is big work to do, and there's lesser to do
And the task we must do is the near.

If you can't be a highway, then just be a trail,
If you can't be the sun, be a star;
It isn't the size that you win or you fail---
Be the best of whatever you are.
- Douglas Malloch

Do It Now!

If you've got a job to do,
Do it now!

If it's one you wish were through,
Do it now!

If you're sure the job's your own,
Do not hem and haw and groan-
Do it now!

It doesn't pay to shirk,
Do it now!

If you want to fill a place
And be useful to the race,
Just get up and take a brace-
Do it now!

Don't linger by the way,
Do it now!

You'll lost if you delay,
Do it now!

If the other fellows wait,
Or postpone until it's late,
You hit up a faster gait-
Do it now!
-Author Unknown

Hold fast to dreams
For if dreams die
Life is a broken-winged bird
That cannot fly
-Langston Hughes

The hands that help are better far than the lips that pray.
-Robert G. Ingersoll

The old brown horse looked over the fence in a lonely sort of way
He seemed to be saying to all who passed well, folks I've had my day
I'm simply watching the world go by and no body seems to mind
As their dashing past in their motor cars
A horse who is lame and half blind.
Sometimes a friendly soul will stop near the field where his tired old head
Rests wearily on the topmost bar and a friendly word is said.
Then the old brown horse gives a gentle sigh as he feels the kindly touch
Of a hand on his mane and his shaggy coat and he doesn't mind so much.
So if you pass by the field someday
Just stop for a while or two and spend a thought for a dear old horse
Who was once as young as you
He'll love the touch of your fair young hand and I'll know he'll seem to say
Well, thank you sir for the kindly thought for a horse who has had his day.
-Author Unknown