My Nursing Life Has Ended
Nancy E. Reilly August 17, 2005
Forty-eight years ago
In pink uniform and stockings by Hanes,
I volunteered as a nurse’s aide
In a hospital in White Plains.
Young and enthusiastic
But with apprehension in my heart,
I knew little about nursing care,
Asking, where do I start?
It was then I decided
Early in my life
To become a Registered Nurse
And help others through strife.
So I became a student
In the University at Georgetown,
Where my love for nursing
Really was found.
In 1963, I married
Got pregnant with a tot.
And was working in the VA Hospital
When JFK was shot.
Moving to Michigan,
I still needed to learn
So after my second child,
My career took a turn.
I enrolled at the U of M
That is where I earned my Masters
And Ph.D., too.
As my love for nursing grew,
Along life’s winding way,
I decided to teach
As well as increase my pay.
Thus I went into education
Where I am now,
Teaching for over 30 years.
I just wonder HOW??
It has been a sweet journey
Filled with both fun and pain.
But as I move on,
There is still much to gain.
So today, being my last day
In the nursing field,
I wish to say GOODBYE
To all those I helped heal. ©